
Monday, June 13, 2011

Basil Parsley Pesto

My herb garden is going great this year. So great so that my parsley and basil plants outgrown their pots after 2 weeks of planting it, which inadvertently bring me to this post. Basil Parsley Pesto. Now, I am not a big fan of pesto as the strong basil flavor tends to be a little too overpowering to me. Throw in some parsley into the mix, now that is a pesto that I can truly enjoy.

On another note, I won 12lb worth of corn pasta from Deborah's website , my favorite all time go to place whenever I am searching for a great Italian recipe. Absolutely love the corn pasta. It is gluten free and I am glad that it did not alter the flavor nor the texture of regular pasta. Will definitely continue to use gluten free pasta from this point forward.

Basil Parsley Pesto
1 cup basil leaves, packed
2 cups parsley leaves, packed
1 clove garlic, peeled
A handful of pine nuts or walnuts
1/2 to 3/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup grated Romano or Parmesan cheese
salt and pepper to taste

 Step 1: Washed and pat dry the herbs.

Step 2: Have all the ingredients ready.

Step 3: In a food processor, pulse the walnuts till fine.

Step 4: Add in garlic and pulse to mix well.

Step 5: Add in all the herbs and pulse till fine. Drizzle in olive oil.

Step 6: Dish out the pesto into a bowl. Add in the grated cheese. Season with salt and pepper.

Toss pesto with your choice of pasta. Serve warm or at room temperature.


  1. sui poh!!! i love pesto!! never knew how 2 make them. but by any chance do u know wat is d chinese name of parsley and basil?? u know am vege-idiot. i wont know how to buy, normally i go to d vege stall and ask d aunty for d vege by name. kekekeke.

  2. @Karynn: Sui Po, why would you asked for the impossible. I also pisang sebijik macam engkau! Basil should be daun selasih in Malay (don't ask me what it is called in Chinese) Parsley should be "yim sai". Don't get the small leaves chinese parsley though. You want the big leaves parsley which you can buy in a grocery store.
